About Us

Who We Are

Courtney is a certified elementary school teacher with a specialization in Special Education.  She has a Bachelor of Arts with an arts and science focus.  Chris has a Bachelor of Science in Zoology and Psychology.

We are the proud parents of a little boy who loves to sign!  When our son was just 6 months old, we began researching baby sign language, having heard about it in passing well before he was born.  So for a long time, we knew we would sign with him.  We began to teach him to sign when he was 9 months old by “modeling” signs for him.  We developed our own techniques and used them in addition to the tried and true methods of baby sign language.  Our baby was signing back in just 4 weeks time at only 10 months of age!  His first sign was MORE and we taught him using a combination of “chaining” and “delayed physical prompting,” which are described in the pages and videos of our online course.  By 15 months, he could do more than 50 signs and has 200 under his belt before his 2nd birthday!

About Definitive Baby Sign

Definitive Baby Sign is a complete one-stop shop for your baby signing education.  The course encompasses a 100+ page guide book, a baby sign language dictionary with 450+ high resolution full colour images, The Fast Track to Signing Program guaranteed to get your baby signing back in 8 weeks or less, 40+ songs to sing and sign with your baby, 40+ signing games and sign activities, as well as quick and easy video tutorials.

Contact: Definitive Baby Sign at gmail dot com [remove the spaces, replace “at” with @ and dot with a dot!]

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