Don’t Wait To Sign With Your Baby, Start Today! ~ Chris

Waiting to sign with your baby can be a big mistake.  There are so many experiences you can share with a baby that only signing parents really know about.  It’s difficult to describe exactly and it’s something that videos can’t exactly capture.  The moments are summarized when your baby notices a BABY signing and signs about it so the two of you can enjoy it’s melody, it’s knowing if your baby wants MILK instead of WATER, it’s knowing that your baby wants to read a BOOK instead of going outside for a WALK and it’s knowing that your baby is upset because their tooth HURTS instead of being SLEEPy.

Your baby can sign all these things and many, many more.  However, the longer you wait, the more experiences you will have missed.  Non-signing parents eventually do gain and intuitive sense about their children, but it can’t even compare to the level of understanding gained through signs.  A non-signing baby might point to the fridge if they are hungry, but they’ll do the same if they are thirsty.  A signing baby will tell you exactly what they want, be it YOGURT or MILK.  There’s just no need to guess.

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