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Category Archives: General Parenting Ideas and Tips
An Odd Benefit To Singing – Saying “No” Specifically ~ Chris
It might seem odd that one of the benefits I have seen to signing is the ability to say “no” to some of the requests my son makes as he signs. You are probably wondering how that’s a benefit at … Continue reading
The Power ~ Chris
Some people think having power is a bad thing. How about giving babies power, do you think that would turn out properly? Actually quite well thank you very much! Giving toddlers the powers of communication is liberating for everyone involved. … Continue reading
Making Babies Bilingual Through Baby Sign Language ~ Chris
Teaching a baby to sign will not make your baby bilingual. It has been argued by some that baby sign is like a second language. However, as we discuss in the online course the rules to teaching baby sign language … Continue reading
Whine Management Using Signs ~ Chris
I’m a “systems” builder by nature. That means I like to create and devise strategies to solve problems that my life sees. I guess I saw being a Dad in the same light, so I’m constantly creating procedures to make … Continue reading
When A 17 Month-Old Can Use Manners It Leaves You Wondering ~ Chris
My son was using THANK YOU and PLEASE at 16 months and was proficient at 17 months. In fact, when he really wanted something, he’d use PLEASE and when he truly appreciated what he had received out came THANK YOU. … Continue reading