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Category Archives: General Parenting Ideas and Tips
Welcoming Your Toddler Into Your World ~ Chris
It seems that most parents aren’t willing to welcome wholeheartedly their babies into their lives. They indicate this by locking off rooms, cupboards, moving fragile objects out of reach and so forth. While I agree that, for safety’s sake, we … Continue reading
Me And Signing ~ Chris
I’m a unique Dad and not just because I sign, some other Dad’s sign too. I guess the difference between me and most (but, not all Dad’s) is that I spend an inordinate amount of time with my son. Specifically, … Continue reading
Labeling HURT – Acknowledging Hurt Prevents Crying ~ Chris
I hate whining. Crying is right up there too, except that I have a little bit more sympathy for that in so much as it because of real distress. However, that being said, where there’s a way to reduce it, … Continue reading
On Manners ~ Courtney
Anyone who works with children of any age will tell you that we spend a fair amount of time teaching manners. It is very refreshing to have children in a class who politely ask for things or thank you when … Continue reading
Grandma Was Actually Impressed ~ Chris
It was thanksgiving weekend and my Mom and step Dad were in from out of town for dinner. I had the chance to show my son off to their delight (and mine too). It was the first chance I got … Continue reading