Signing Manners ~ Courtney

I’m such a proud mama right now!  I just put my son to bed, and as we were going through our nightly routine, he burped.  He proceeded to move his blankets out of the way and sign EXCUSE ME for the first time!  Not yet two years old and such a polite boy already.

He learned the sign, which involves brushing the bent fingers of the dominant hand forward along the open palm and fingers of the other hand.  I taught it to him and used it when either he or I were a little gassy.  He knew the sign to see it and would use it when prompted after a burp or toot, but tonight was the first time he did it independently!  I’m always excited when he masters a new sign or says a new word, but this one made me especially proud.

He learned THANK YOU at 14 months, PLEASE at 15 months, and YOU’RE WELCOME at 18 months.  I just love that he uses his manners so well already and it’s all thanks to signing!

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