The Baby Smell ~ Chris

No, not the bad baby smell, the good one.  I remember the day it stopped, right around his first birthday and the reason I remember it is because that was the last days my wife was breastfeeding.  It’s that sweet smelling odor that bonds a child to his parents, it’s unmistakable.  At first my wife didn’t notice, but after pointing it out, she too had to admit that he lost his baby smell.

Smell, like sign language, is a form of silent communication and carries meaning.  While we don’t pay much attention to it directly, it often has a profound influence on us at a subconscious level.  Non-signing parents often say that they don’t need signing because they understand exactly what their child is saying – but what they might not admit is that they’re just reading their child’s body language.  But in it’s basic form this is just another form of signing.  Sign language is much more productive and specific though and takes out the guesswork making your life simpler.

Having lost the baby smell, you’ll be happy to know that your child still puts out an odor signature and spending time close to your child will still bond you and he together.  Putting your baby on your lap and reading books is a great way for you and your baby to share silent messages through olfactory means.  While you might not be as close as you are through breastfeeding, you’ll still share many intimate times together as your relationship progresses.  Be forward looking and live in the moment and you’ll enjoy each on of them.

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