You Are Your Baby’s Facilitator ~ Chris

For my own sanity – or perhaps insanity, I like to break and boil things down to the point where I can reconstruct them with a solid understanding of what makes it – it.  Parenting was a big change in my life.  I went from doing whatever I wanted to do (within reason), to having to answer to my son beforehand on all matters.  This can be shocking to new parents who are faced with having to relearn how to live their life.

Some parents meet this change with resistance and resentment, others excel and master, some covet being wanted and others just get by day-by-day.  There’s a big range when it comes to parenting style, but all parenting can be broken to one simple thing; you are your baby’s facilitator.  You aren’t much more than this.  So while you are responsible for providing your baby with love and affection, your primary duty is to do whatever your baby wants, whenever he wants it.  From changing diapers, to feedings, to sleep, to entertainment – these are what you do now.  Thankfully, since your baby is programmed to become independent (and want to ditch you some day), he’s going to grow more and more independent (if you let him).

I’ve always seen my role as a parent to send my boy off into the world to fend for himself in some productive and constructive way.  This is a sad reality for some parents but since it happens so gradually, they grow accustomed.  Some overbearing parents find out by complete surprise that their teenagers don’t want to listen to their rules any longer.  This is a teenagers way to split and become their own person.  At this time, teenagers habitually do things that seem dangerous and reckless – it’s a way to be different.

I think knowing your role helps you to understand what’s really expected of you.  As a parent you need to help your child reach things that are too high for them, procure and prepare meals, wash their clothes and dress them, teach them life skills, change their diapers, put them to bed on time, teach manners, help them sort out up from down, sit with them to read books and on and on and on.

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