Guest poster Carrie and baby Samantha #1 ~ Guest


Mother of 1 girl

Baby signing since 11 months

Number of signs = 3

Hi, my name is Carrie and I have a 1 year old baby girl named Samantha.  We started signing when Sam turned 11 months old using the Definitive Baby Signing Program.  It took us just 4 weeks for Sam to start signing back.  The Fast Track to Signing Program was awesome.  It was an easy to follow, step-by-step guide.

Sammy starting signing MILK, EAT and MORE after her 3rd week!  We’re now going to start some other signs like routine signs so we’re doing signs like DIAPER, SLEEP, including some foods like BANANA, APPLE and PEAS.  She really loves PEAS and other fruits so I think she’ll sign these back really quickly.  I don’t want to start too many signs at the same time since I’m new to signing and don’t want to overwhelm my baby even though I think she’d be able to handle them!

The course has a wonderful signing dictionary and I can see us learning to sign many, many words.  My husband is just watching us sign for now, but is amused that Sam can actually “talk” to us!

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