Your Signing Baby Is A Genius ~ Chris

I don’t have a lot to say on this topic so I’m going to keep this short.  Many parents are going to give you flack for teaching your baby go sign.  Why?  Well, if a parent doesn’t sign and you do, it’s going to make them feel uncomfortable and uneasy.  For all but the most confident of people, it’s going to make them feel like lesser parents.  Now, I’m not saying all parents are going to try to take you down a notch, but there will be enough to necessitate a warning.  Just ignore these folks, but also be watchful for their spiteful and competitive words, as sometimes they might appear benign – but only on the scratch.  Deep down, all parents have a bit of a competitive drive to success against other parents – it’s just in our nature as parents to do what’s best for our kids.  Further to this, parents have a need to conform, except that certain parents might feel foolish signing with their kids or think it’s too hard to do so they prematurely give up.

Second, signing does not aim, nor will it produce, genius babies.  Signing is a fun thing to do with your baby which uncovers communication skills and abilities that your baby already possesses.  While some parents feel comfortable waiting months and even years to talk to their baby and learn about their interests, wants and needs, signing parents want to know right now!  This shows more about the connectivity desires of a parent than anything else.  Signing parents are driven to learn specifically about their babies on a more intimate level.  Yes, parents can connect without words, but you must ask yourself why these parents reject such an easily incorporated skill from their lives.  I feel that there is a fundamental difference between a signing parent and one who doesn’t sign – especially one who knows about signing, but does not employ it for one reason or another.

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